Friday, 27 November 2015

Speech Finals

This morning the Kawau Team Speech Finals were held in the hall.  The representatives from each class performed their speeches to the rest of the Year 3's and Mrs McBeth's Year 1 class.

The winners of the Senior School competition were our judges.  They listened very carefully and gave each student feedback when everyone had taken their turn.

They all did amazingly well!

Unfortunately one student was away, so they will be given a chance to share their speech on Tuesday and then the winners will be announced.

Here are some photos of the Kawau students giving their speeches and receiving feedback from the judges, and also videos of Jade and Ellie's speeches.

Speech Final Photos on PhotoPeach


Speech Week

Since the beginning of the term the students in Room 19, and across the whole Kawau team, have been busy researching, writing and practising their speeches.

This week was presentation week with the students giving their speeches in front of the class.  There was such a high standard with speeches ranging from air pollution to tigers, being part of a big family to WWE, and the Mariana Trench to Disney Infinity!

The students faced their nerves and one by one stood up to give their speech, some on Monday and some on Tuesday.  The students were very mindful of being a good audience, and listened carefully to their friends as they spoke.  Each student was assigned a buddy and they marked each other across a number of criteria including speaking clearly, using cue cards properly, having a good introduction, middle and ending, and making eye contact with the audience.

Speeches Part 1 on PhotoPeach Speeches Part 2 on PhotoPeach I then had the unenviable task of choosing our three finalists to go through to the Speech Finals on Friday morning.

Congratulations to everyone, but especially to Ellie, Max and Jade who I chose to represent Room 19.  These 3 speeches in particular fir all our criteria and also had some humour in them.

Thursday, 19 November 2015


This term the students have been busy thinking about the future.  We have investigated jobs in the future thinking about how different jobs might change, and whether some jobs will even still exist in 20 years time.  As part of our learning we looked at the ways robots have influenced jobs, and what roles are now being done by robots instead of humans.  The students then set about designing their own robots.  The brief was to design a robot to do a particular job.  Once they had completed their design we set about making models of our robots using cardboard boxes, bottles, straws, lids, plates and anything else we could get our hands on.  Today the Kawau team displayed their robots in class and we all went around the different rooms to see the amazing creations.

Here is a little taster of our amazing robots:
Room 19's Amazing Robots on PhotoPeach
Well done to all the students for your creativity and hard work building your robots, and especially to Marcus and Sean who received Principal Awards from Mrs Sandifer.  Ka pai Room 19.