Friday, 29 May 2015


Just a reminder that school is closed on Monday for Queen's Birthday, and Tuesday for a Teacher's Only day.

Students have been given home learning sheets this week that, because of the short week next week, are due in on Thursday 11th June.

I have put a copy of the sheet in the home learning section of the blog.

Have a great weekend, see you on Wednesday.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Cross Country Stars!

I am a very proud teacher today after the amazing effort the whole class put in to running our Year 3 Cross Country races.

We've been training whenever the rain has allowed us over this term, and I have to admit, there haven't always been happy, enthusiastic faces when I've announced, "Let's go out for cross country." Today, however, the effort and commitment was fantastic - helped by a gloriously sunny afternoon and the cheering of the crowd.

The boys race was a close finish with Luke hot on Mylo's heels.  Mylo crossed the line first knocking an amazing 43 seconds off his personal best finishing in 6 min and 34 secs.  Luke crossed the line just a second or two later knocking 51 seconds off his personal best.  Cooper, Max and Ethan all crossed the line in the top 10 boys.

Jade was our top finishing girl managing to wipe 2 minutes off her time from last week to finish in exactly 8 minutes.  Siane, Mollie, Mackenzie S, Skye and Grete were all not too far behind.

Thank you to all the parents, and grandparents, who came to cheer on the competitors, and special mention to Paul, Ben and Christian for taking part in the parents race, your encouragement means a lot on race day and we love to see you here supporting our efforts.

Here are a few photos.
Mylo's on his first lap.

 Luke's hot on Mylo's heels.Jade's coming in to finish

 Ellie's on her 2nd lap

Mollie approaches the finish

Grete's almost across the line.

Skye's sprinting for the finish.

 Ashton is heading for the finish line.

 Bowen's racing past.

 Rebekah's leading the pack.

Skye and Roshina on their 2nd lap.
 Mackenzie overtakes.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Tree Adventures

Wow what a fun day we have had today out at Tree Adventures in Woodhill Forest today.  After our bus ride we had our morning tea so we had lots of energy for climbing.

We got into groups and got harnessed up and helmets on.

Then we were told how the carabiners and pulleys worked and had a go on the practice courses.

Then we were off round the courses.  The students were fantastic showing perseverance, courage and demonstrating their CARE values.   

There were a few tired people on the coach home.

Ka pai Room 19 - what a fantastic job you did I'm very proud.  A special thank you as well to our intrepid parent helpers - Chrysi, Chris, Kirianne and Jane.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

EOTC Week - Wednesday Activities

Room 19 have been having lots of fun doing EOTC activities this week.  Yesterday the students formed groups and created a puppet theatre.  They spent the day planning, making and then presenting their work to their peers in both Room 18 and 19.

Today the students were split into 4 groups and then rotated through 4 different activities.  I was in charge of helping them get each other through the junior adventure playground blindfolded, Mr Bouribon helped them make monsters, Mrs Ye refereed some intense games of crab soccer, and Mrs Ope helped the students construct tents.

There were a few nervous faces when I first explained the task at the playground, but all the students were up for the challenge. They got into groups of 3 and each group had 1 blindfolded member and 2 guiders.  We discussed the instructions that would be useful - left, right, step up, turn around, hold on, etc. and safety rules.  Then at intervals the groups were off round the course.  I could hear lots of good instructions being given and am pleased to say there were no falls, trips or visits to A&E!

After lunch when all the groups had been given the chance to do all 4 activities they were then allowed to choose whether to take part in relay races, hockey games, or water games.  As you can see from the photos, there were lots of happy faces.

Road Safety

Today we had a visit from Police Constable Tania Wansink who talked to the class about Road Safety, and in particular crossing the road safely outside of school.

We went up to the school crossing which was being manned by our crossing team and listened to the instructions given about when to cross.  Then we all took turns crossing the road making sure we walked quickly but didn't run.

Torbay is a Travelwise School and forms have been sent home this week for parents and caregivers to complete about how you get to and from school.  If you return the forms by Friday you'll be entered in the draw to win a $50 New World voucher.  Good Luck!

Football Training

Last week the whole school spent time having a Football training session.  We joined with Rooms 16 and 17 for our session in the Hall.

The students had lots of fun playing ball games and practicing their dribbling and shooting skills.